It is 2007, how fast time
flys. I have a good friend who keeps telling me that 2007 is going to be my year, it is going to be great, etc. I am just hoping and praying that she is right.
The last year has been one of the hardest years I have ever gone through. And although I don't want to
admit it, I learned so much about myself as well as the people I choose to surround myself with.
For instance, last
January I am excited for the new year and hoping it will be a good one. Within days of it turning 06 my world started to crumble around me. I was rather
upset due to the fact that I actually started off the year with a
optimistic tone and then... well it turned to hell.
I just, never could understand how so many things can happen to someone within one year of their life. I guess that each of these things were just a building block, something for me to learn from and grow from. My life experience, wow.
I learned so much about love, in fact it was a ridiculous amount about it. I must quote a friend who helped me ease through love pains. She said:
"Loving someone is brave. Letting someone in is brave. Because you cannot control that other person. It's all an incredible have to let in and love in order to see if it will stick. You'll get stronger. Every time you do it..or try, it gets stronger. You'll be more sure of yourself...and able to hold your head high again. It's...BRAVE. Not stupid. We learn more about ourselves through relationships than we can ever imagine."I truly didn't know if I'd get through this one, but with the help of others I did and I learned so much more about myself and who I am and what I want out of life. I know that I don't need a man to be happy, I don't need to feel that love to be happy. I have grown up for so long without anyone, on my own without any type of love so I understand why thinking that the love from a man would heal that, but it won't.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #1: Learn how to live without loveOther things I learned about myself is that I am so
unbelievably unmotivated. I let things get to me, I let my life, my problems hold me back. I go to school sometimes not even there because my head is in the clouds. I just, I need to stop letting my life bring me down. I need to stop letting people bring me down.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #2- Don't sweat the small stuff, don't let every thing that goes wrong in my life run it.Also I have realized this year that I still am so depressed, as much as I don't want to
admit it. I put myself down right and left and although I am sure people thing that it is for attention, it is quite the
opposite of that. IT is because of what I have taken in. The abuse from people around me, I let it get to me and then I just... I tell that to myself over and over again. I don't think I have met anyone with as low of self esteem as me. It is ridiculous. And this week when I went to visit some friends, Drew, one of them played this "two
nicey" game with me. Every time I said something negative about myself I had to say two nice things. It really got me to realize how negative I was being and for that I am sorry. I just.... I want to look into that mirror.... and not hate who is in front of it.... and right now i do. Right now when I look into a mirror I only see the bad, and I only see what I hate.I need to look into that mirror with confidence...
and love me. I need to love me.
NEWS YEARS RESOLUTION #3 - Be Positive, learn to love myself for who I am and not for what other people see me as. No beating myself up.During 2006 a large amount of
devastating events took place in my life. I found myself blaming God and being so mad at him for letting it happen. I realized that this needed to stop and that I needed to get back on track with God. Get my life on track. So I have been working on that, and I rededicated my life last week.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #4 - Love God and let him love on me. Give him all the glory, let him guide me back into his light.NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #5 - Pray more, send more time with God. Let him fill all that emptiness the world has given meEarly this semester, August I believe something unbelievable happened to me. I still think about it always. I ripped me to pieces inside and out and has proven to be one of those hardships in life that nobody wants to deal with. To make it worse I kept it inside me for so long finally months later to let it out to someone. I am glad that I told someone eventually. It was such a hard thing to go through alone. People I am sure wondered why I had trouble concentrating at school, work, etc. 2006 brought me severe pain.
Sickness, I don't even want to get started on that. This was one of those other things that I blamed God for. Always being sick, always having something wrong. I guess thought that I can and will praise God that I am alive. I am alive and have survived every bit of it. Maybe 2007 will come with no sickness, lets hope so! I don't think my body can take anymore.
Friendships, this is something that I could write a novel on. I have lost many of my closest friends in this year. There are two in specific that I need to talk about.
Although I am sad that things are not like they use to be I am at least glad that we talk now and can be civil. You were my best friend for so many years, and we went through so much together. I knew that college would come between us, and it did. I still am not happy about the way things went, and I think that the fights could of been prevented on both parts. I just wish that you would of loved me for me instead of who you wanted me to be.
Next person, you have been my rock through so many hard times. One of the best friends I ever could of asked for. But what you do to yourself, it kills me. You are so
irresponsible and I have come to learn that you really don't care how it affects the people around you. I worry so much about you and there were so many weeks were I was scared to death that you were dead somewhere. I always wanted to be there for you. But then you started to only be my friend when it was
convenient for you. You would take months and just
disappear and scare the crap out of me. You would lie to me, to my face and tell me you were clean when I knew you weren't because I know when you are messed up. And I think that the worst part is when you are coming down. When you are coming down you are so mean to me. It really just makes me feel horrible being around you in those times. And I know you have apologized, after what happened this summer.... and you promised to never let it happen again... and never to just
disappear again.... and never hurt me like that again... and then you did. So when you come back and want to be my friend...
I am
going to have to say no. Because I am trying so hard right now to get my
life on track,
and learn how to love myself.... that I can't deal with it. I can't get hurt again. You were always someone I loved so much, but now I think that maybe you are not the best person for me to be around... especially when our friendship is usually an
inconvenience for you.
And I thank you for everything you have done for me, because you have done so much. You have, and I
Love you for that... I just can't take the pain anymore. If something ever happened to you I don't think that I
would be able to even go on living in this world. So I am going to
unattach myself now.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #6: Don't surround myself with people who are going to bring me down. People who hurt me.Okay, so I have not been the best person this year and I have done things that have not been wise. I am turing myself into someone I don't want to be and that has got to stop.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #7: Don't do bad things. As simple as that. Be smart, I have a good head on my shoulders... so I need to start using it. I need to better myself.There is so much more I want to say and so many other resolutions but I really just can't type anymore.
I guess to put the rest up there:
NYR #8 - Figure out what I want this semester, just look deep within my soul and figure out what I want. I can't keep jumping back and forth across the tracks. I have got to make a decision.NYR #9 - Get rid of things in my life that are not good for me, that are not good for my life. ( I have been starting to do that and already took away a few big things in my life)NYR #10 - (everybody has this one)... loose weight. Loose the weight from being sick/injured/etc. I am so sick of being a cow.NYR #11 - BE MOTIVATEDNYR #12 - Stop being so stubborn and let other help me and be there for me. NYR #13- Work harder to achieve my goals.
Okay, that is enough for now.